Mergers, Employee Satisfaction, and Merger Outcomes: Evidence from Glassdoor Ratings
报 告 人:美国Pepperdine大学 冯泓睿 副教授
报告时间:2024年12月20日 14:00-16:00
This study considers how acquisitions impact employee satisfaction using crowd-sourced data. Satisfaction declines significantly following an acquisition relative to matched non-merging firms. Acquirers with declines in satisfaction experience negative post-merger fundamental and stock performance for the combined firm. Cross-sectional evidence suggests that this decline is most pronounced when the combined firms have a redundant workforce and when integration is challenging. Serial acquirers do not experience a decline in employee satisfaction, especially for later deals. Collectively, the evidence identifies employee morale at the acquiring firm as an important determinant of merger success, increasing our understanding of a long-standing puzzle.
冯泓睿,美国Pepperdine大学金融学副教授,主要研究领域包括实证公司金融、自然语言处理,及环境、社会与公司治理。其文章发表在权威金融学和会计学期刊,包括Journal of Banking and Finance 、Journal of Management Accounting Research等。冯泓睿副教授于2017年获得美国俄克拉荷马州立大学金融学博士学位,本科和硕士分别就读于浙江大学和美国佐治亚理工学院。曾任宾州州立大学Behrend分校助理教授。